In the autumn of 2016 we organized our third and fourth Swedish YAM Instructor Course. The first course took place at Karolinska Institutet and we got the chance to spend the week with some enthusiastic participants from Japan, Norway, Austria, Sweden, and the US.

In the second course, twelve participants from Stockholm, Gothenburg, Storuman and Jakobstad, Finland, completed the one-week instructor course and became certified YAM Instructors.
The wide range of competence, professional knowledge, and cultural backgrounds contributed to very interesting discussions and exchange of experiences in both these courses. Many of the participants from the first course have already gone back to schools in their home countries with some planning larger-scale interventions and cultural adaptations ahead. Of the Swedish participants, some will lead their first YAM programs in schools in Stockholm in the spring, something we are very much looking forward to! Here are some pictures of soon-to-be YAM instructors learning through play.
Guest blogger: Anna Johansson, YAM Trainer and Instructor