We are happy to announce seven new YAM Trainers, the first in the USA. Amanda Frederick, Luis Gutierrez, Jenny Gorsegner, Jenny Hughes, Tom Shawl, Kathy Shea and Larry Woolf are now certified YAM Trainers!
A YAM Trainer is different from the YAM Instructor who facilitate YAM with youth in the classrooms and beyond. The Trainers are the very important people who make sure that our Instructors-to-be learn about the core of YAM: a safe youth-driven space! The Trainers conduct the YAM Instructor courses and having seven Texas and Montana based Trainers we hope that the program will continue to grow in the US.
Here is a little preview of the training the seven had to go through:
1. Become a certified YAM Instructor by attending a five-day YAM Instructor Course
2. Implement the YAM program in its entirety with groups of youth at least four times
3. Apply to become a YAM Trainer
4. Attend the YAM Trainer Workshop and receive the Trainer manual
5. Work with other prospective YAM Trainers to prepare for the Instructor Course
6. One day of preparation before the Instructor Course
7. Co-teach a YAM Instructor Course with the YAM veterans and receive feedback
8. Celebrate!
We’re happy to say they all made the 8 steps! Here are some photos to prove it.