In September, a group of new YAM Instructors were trained by by our Dallas Trainers, Jenny Hughes, Luis Gutierrez, and Amanda Frederick. The course was held at the Center for Depression Research and Clinical Care at UT Southwestern and from what we heard it was filled of discussion and fun role-play moments – and a YAMazing cake too. YAM in Texas is growing…Continue readingNew Dallas YAM Instructors
Category: Blog
We recently completed two weeks of Instructor Courses in Sydney, Australia in collaboration with the Black Dog Institute. YAM is being implemented across multiple schools to Year 9 students in New South Wales as part of the Black Dog LifeSpan initiative. The NSW Department of Education will be in charge of delivery of YAM in public schools and…Continue readingYAM in Australia
Guest blogger: Kemal Demirtas, coordinator of YAM data collection In late August 2016, we began collecting data in the Stockholm study to continue our quest to better understand how YAM works. Questions include whether YAM increases well-being, improves peer-to-peer relations and the classroom climate, decreases the risk for mental health problems and/or reduces suicidal behavior. To…Continue readingData collection in Stockholm schools
We are happy to announce seven new YAM Trainers, the first in the USA. Amanda Frederick, Luis Gutierrez, Jenny Gorsegner, Jenny Hughes, Tom Shawl, Kathy Shea and Larry Woolf are now certified YAM Trainers! A YAM Trainer is different from the YAM Instructor who facilitate YAM with youth in the classrooms and beyond. The Trainers…Continue readingFirst US YAM Trainers
In the autumn of 2016 we organized our third and fourth Swedish YAM Instructor Course. The first course took place at Karolinska Institutet and we got the chance to spend the week with some enthusiastic participants from Japan, Norway, Austria, Sweden, and the US. In the second course, twelve participants from Stockholm, Gothenburg, Storuman and…Continue readingYAM courses in Sweden
The last few weeks have been very busy with two consecutive YAM instructor courses. One in Stockholm, Sweden, and one in Bozeman, Mt, USA. The courses went really well and we are happy to have fifteen new instructors in the USA and twelve in Sweden! In both courses we had a participants with very…Continue readingComparing YAM courses cross-culturally
A YAM intervention is currently being planned and put into practice in Stockholm by NASP (the National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention of Mental Ill-Health) in collaboration with the Stockholm County Council as funding partner. In the fall of 2016, the implementation of YAM will begin and will continue until the fall of 2018. Schools throughout the county will be selected…Continue readingYAM in Stockholm
We had a wonderful time in Bozeman, Montana and would like to welcome the first North American YAM instructors. All fifteen of them! YAM will be carried out around Montana and in Dallas, Texas in the fall.Continue readingOur first YAM course in the United States!
Last Friday we completed another YAM course, this time in Stockholm, Sweden, our first course in Swedish. The now newly certified YAM instructors came from different regions in Sweden and had very varied professional backgrounds, which allowed for stimulating discussions throughout. The new instructors will now practice with teenagers in schools in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Norrbotten and…Continue readingInstructor Course in Stockholm
Based on the many questions we have received about YAM implementation costs we created a short guide to the standard costs one can anticipate when implementing YAM. These include instructor training and labour costs, materials and possible translation and evaluation costs. If you are considering taking on the YAM programme in your country, city or…Continue readingYAM implementation costs